Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Procrastination is the thief of time  - Edward Young (1683-1765)

For months, no actually years, I have made an attempt to learn all I could about starting some type of home business. Like almost everyone, I want to make money from home!  So what slowed me down to the point that I shelved the whole project? Procrastination... Up until now it has been my greatest downfall, that is until I discovered why I procrastinate.

I have come to realize that I procrastinate because I am a perfectionist. Not so much in the overly picky sort of way, but in that I over think every project I attempt. I try to imagine every possible scenario in my head and everything that could possibly go wrong. My thoughts run all over the place with whatif's and shouldi's to the point where I'm virtually immobilized.  Consequently I never could quite reach my goal because it just wasn't quite good enough.

But herein lies the revelation! Good enough?.. Good enough for whom???  For everyone else? No, not necessarily anyone else,  just not good enough for me. I am my own worst critic and when I think about it, I would never continue a friendship with someone who picks me apart the way I do.  I seem to find fault with every project I attempt as though there is some type of reward for figuring out everything that could possibly go wrong before I begin.
I think it and rethink it and realize it's still not quite perfect, so I would shelve the whole idea for a while hoping to gain new perspective another day.   This is where the procrastination comes in. Often we waste precious time over thinking and eventually the opportunity to accomplish the original goal is no longer there. So either it wasn't really that important or I just wasn't sure how to get over a hurdle. I didn't exactly turn around and go back but I did just sit there waiting for someone to remove the hurdle for me, when all along I could have simply asked for directions and gotten past it.

Whenever you come up on a hurdle in any project and you aren't sure what to do next, go straight to someone who is knowledgeable in that area and ask them to give you some pointers. There are people everywhere just waiting to share what they already know with you, all you have to do is ask.
So start that project you've been putting off today, and if you run into a snag don't be afraid to ask someone else for directions so you can keep moving forward.  When you do reach your goal, be proud of yourself for what you've accomplished.

So, now that you know you can do anything, ask yourself this question ... 

"What am I going to do next?"

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